Events & Holidays

Las Vegas Weddings > Events & Holidays

Note that the Las Vegas will be busier than normal on these dates, so advance planning might be required in order to secure accommodations and event tickets. If a large convention is in town, accommodation prices may also be higher.

The following are legal or public holidays in most States:

New Year’s Day
January 1                                                          
Labor Day
First Monday in September
Martin Luther King Jr.’s Birthday
Third Monday of January
Columbus Day
Second Monday in October
Valentine’s Day
February 14
October 31
President’s Day (Washington’s Birthday)
Third Monday in February
Veteran’s Day
November 11
Memorial Day or Decoration Day
Last Monday in May
Thanksgiving Day and Family Day
Fourth Thursday and Friday in November
Independence Day
July 4
Christmas Day
December 25

Additionally, Nevada Day is the Fourth Friday in October.

School Holidays in the US

The dates of the school holidays vary from state to state from from school district to school district, however, generally speaking the following applies:

  • The school year ends by mid-June at the latest and resumes in mid-August at the earliest.  Most schools will be in session on or before the first Tuesday in September (after the Labour Day holiday which is the first Monday in September).
  • Schools will close for a week during March or April, often around Easter but not always.
  • Schools will close for two weeks in December, up to and including the New Year’s Day Holiday.

In addition private schools and universities and colleges have their own calendars as well. Unfortunately, there is no easy-to-find and use reference guide that will give you this information and the above serves as the best guide as to when the majority of schools take their holidays.